Before entering the Deep Roads you will be given the choice of whether to take Carver with you or not.
If Carver survives the prologue, he will leave the party for good at the end of Act 1.
By being agreeable to her in conversation. Choosing options that favor blood magic or demons.
1 Friendship 1.1 Act 1 1.2 Act 2 1.3 Act 3 2 Rivalry 2.1 Act 1 2.2 Act 2 2.3 Act 3 Merrill's friendship can be gained by: Siding with the mages or the elves in quests.
It's the only way to ensure getting their final companion quest to lock their approval. If the quest entails breaking the law, avoid using Aveline. Side quests = more talking opportunities with the party members.
Each character only has 2 gifts, giving 15+ approval.
Act of Mercy: Refuse to help Grace and the.
1 Friendship 1.1 Act 1 1.2 Act 2 1.3 Act 3 2 Rivalry 2.1 Act 1 2.2 Act 2 2.3 Act 3 2.4 Legacy DLC Friendship with Fenris can generally be earned by siding against any mages, not coddling him when he speaks of his problems but understanding them, being ruthless to slavers and being kind to the innocents- particularly elves and slaves- in the game.
Edit (Classic) Edit (Beta) Flag View History. Top Contributors: Stephanie-IGN, IGNGuides-Stephanie, Sng-ign + more. Er gibt Hawke dafür die Schuld immer im Schatten zu stehen und er sehnt sich nach Anerkennung Carver ist zynisch, launisch und ziemlich undankbar. Er kann Hawke als temporärer Begleiter in Dragon Age II folgen, wenn dieser ein Magier ist.
Carver ist ein Krieger und spezialisiert auf Zweihandwaffen.
Startschuss für unseren Guide zu Dragon Age 2! In den kommenden Tagen liefern wir Euch die Komplettlösung zu Dragon Age 2 sowie.
Dragon Age 2-Guide mit Komplettlösung - Charaktere: Carver.
A responsible Hawke who keeps their family out of. 1 Friendship 1.1 Act 1 1.2 Legacy DLC 2 Rivalry 2.1 Prologue 2.2 Act 1 2.3 Legacy DLC Carver takes value in proving his worth to his family and comrades.
Carver's starting approval rating is (+50) he will receive an unavoidable (+5) in prologue.
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